Car People

Down to Our Roots


Who We Are

Dayton Cars and Coffee is a community of car enthusiasts and gearheads across the midwest that love to make real connections over a good cup of joe.


Why We Care

At Dayton Cars and Coffee, our mission is to connect car enthusiasts and preserve Dayton's rich history.


The events at Dayton Cars and Coffee are a staple for the Dayton Community

Dayton, OH

Best City for car lovers

WhiteTrash and WhiteWalls
The Carillon Historical Park
Home to the ARCA Community
Influential in the Indy 500
The Dayton Raceway
Home to Engineers like Charles Kettering

The DCC Story


Kenny Brightman was raised a Car Guy

This is a paragraph about Kenny’s cool background in the Dayton automotive world. This is a paragraph about Kenny’s super cool background in the Dayton automotive world. This is a paragraph about Kenny’s cool background in the Dayton automotive world.


Where We Stand

With hundreds of cars arriving at each meet, we've become one of the largest consistently attended Cars and Coffees in the United States

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